Village centre with blessing stages
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/A70AE304-7D72-470B-ADB5-0DFCDDD01748.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed and sewn onto hand colour printed paper (colours variable) 19 x 24 cm
From Here with simple Hierarchy I
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/82DA14C8-7969-4FCE-895B-0FB865003F5C_1_201_a.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed and sewn onto hand colour printed paper Edition Variable 5/5 19 x 24 cm
Village Centre Series 4
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/6327CE40-4D0A-44FD-94D7-B947303726E8-scaled.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed and sewn onto hand colour printed paper Edition of 2 29.5 x 21 cm
Single Blessing
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/7FE59761-1C3B-48BF-BEAB-3FB1208AE0C4-scaled.jpegPhotopolymer intaglio sewn onto Somerset paper Edition of 10 19 x 24 cm
Single Blessing- closeup
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/DAD49087-74FA-4FA1-90BA-89B014C1132B.jpegPhotopolymer intaglio sewn onto Somerset paper Edition of 10 19 x 24cm
Blessing Stage with Village Compound
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/01C64F17-991B-44F1-BB9B-359999455C42.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed and sewn onto hand colour printed paper Unique print. 19 x 24 cm
Blessing Stage with Votive borders
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/C1324028-1D90-4AD8-9D1F-853C7C08542C_1_201_a.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios sewn onto Somerset paper Edition of 4 19 x 24 cm
Votive Borders with Blessing Stage Series 2
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/FB5C310C-F656-4109-8A67-AB07132B28AC-scaled.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios sewn onto Somerset paper Edition of 9. 29.5 x 21 cm
Horizon Myth Series 2
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/61372712-2EF4-417A-8848-7D2733153F7A.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed on hand colour printed paper, sewn onto Somerset paper Edition Variable 5/5. 29.5.x 21 cm
Code and Myth
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/DAA45E75-D6DB-41A0-9053-C7FA4A8525C7.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed on hand colour printed paper, sewn onto Somerset paper Edition Variable 4/4. 29.5 x 21 cm
Village Centre Series 2
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/531D638D-DC3C-4352-B3CD-C454E5DF811F.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed on hand colour printed paper, sewn onto Somerset paper Edition Variable 4/4. 2.5 x 21 cm
Votive Borders with blessing stage Series 3
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/655C9144-5E45-4533-B16C-BBA163E2076E.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed on hand colour printed paper, sewn onto Somerset Paper Edition Variable 9/9. 29.5 x 21 cm
Tender Canopy 1
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/C2253961-D4C0-4DFB-A777-0BA6EA0DE301_1_201_a.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed on hand colour printed paper & sewn onto Somerset Velvet paper Edition Variable 7/9. 29.5 x 21 cm
Tender Canopy 1
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/E92210CD-FD61-4DD9-B502-A38CC2754FD4_1_201_a.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed onto hand colour printed paper and sewn onto Somerset Velvet paper Edition Variable 2/9. 29.5 x 21 cm
Horizon Myth Series 1
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/DB02B97C-C4C9-4981-AE0D-8F267A83A4F9-scaled.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios sewn onto Somerset Velvet paper Edition of 14. 29.5 x 21 cm
Descent to Ancestral Plain
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/2586C090-8C9A-4B58-9CCD-0975F43A7162.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed and sewn onto hand colour printed paper Edition Variable 2/5 19 x 24 cm
Ancestral Valley myth
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/651B7D92-95F6-4F0C-88ED-3C6903AEAF62_1_201_a.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed and sewn onto hand colour printed paper Edition Variable 3/3 19 x 24 cm
Ancestral valley myth
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/A1863253-3132-45ED-B746-9457CF0F9723_1_201_a.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed and sewn onto hand colour printed paper Edition Variable 1/3 19 x 24 cm
Ancestral valley myth
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/7D76BDF7-C558-4F0D-A5E1-1C7E6A3F2F7D.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed and sewn onto hand colour printed paper Edition Variable 2/3 19 x 24 cm
Waymark at Midway
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/1EFF0F88-C8E9-4C1A-BBA9-7EE8840D33C7-scaled.jpegEdition of 12 Photopolymer intaglio sewn onto a paper support 19 x 24 cm
Waymark at Midway -closeup
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/852720BC-E3CF-4F95-B18F-AE29CAA81900.jpegPhotopolymer intaglio sewn onto Somerset paper Edition of 12 19 x 24 cm
From Here with simple Hierarchy III
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/00D357D0-F779-45B3-B7D7-D26C9D6F6C80.jpegEdition 5 Photopolymer intaglio sewn onto a paper support 19 x 24 cm
From Here
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/6C9AEA65-B3C8-4C58-B8EB-77AFBE27AE44-scaled.jpegEdition of 14 Photopolymer intaglio sewn onto a paper support 24 x 19 cm
From Here -Closeup
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/D90AB537-EC4C-4BC9-B05C-D643C79EBE46.jpegPhotopolymer intaglio sewn onto Somerset paper Edition of 14 24 x 19cm
Discreet Communications 1
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/83A8EF1C-D5AA-4FAE-9423-26BCD0DA7D0A.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed and sewn onto hand colour printed paper Variable Edition 12/13 19 x 24 cm
Discreet Communications 1
http://sharonbaker.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/90FCE30C-AA04-4C8A-9D37-C4FDDD0229A2_1_201_a.jpegPhotopolymer intaglios printed and sewn onto hand colour printed paper Variable Edition 13/13 19 x 24 cm
Small editions of photopolymer intaglios collaged or sewn
onto different paper supports inspired by Chinese & Japanese
paper cut-outs. These were traditionally used for ornamentation and as good luck talismans depicting buildings, houses and scenes from nature: a lake, trees, hills, mountains and horizons. My prints depict stylised imagery of human structures, scenery and landscapes, panoramas that don’t quite make visual sense according to the rules of nature. The images hint at magical, supernatural journeys through a mythical landscape. The prints are made by printing photopolymer intaglios onto hand printed base colours and then sewn onto a further paper support which also might be hand coloured. Printed and sewn onto Somerset Satin or Velvet paper. Coloured editions are variable in colours using a limited pink and red palette.